I understand that all the activities at Impact Gymnastics can be dangerous and there is a risk of injury, serious disability or death.
The participant is in good health and does not have any pre-existing conditions or injuries that could be triggered or exacerbated through participation in the activities.
I accept that these activities are physically challenging and may cause abrasions, sprains, fractures, dislocations, spinal and other injuries.
I have considered the associated risks and agree to participate voluntarily and at own risk. I accept the risks of injury, serious disability or death.
I hereby release Impact Gymnastics, its officers, employees, contractors, volunteers and any other person from any liability, demand, suit, claim or compensation due to any injury, serious disability or death or any damage to personal property that may occur whilst participating in activities at Impact Gymnastics.
I agree that this waiver and release applies to all activities now or in the future undertaken at Impact Gymnastics and will also be binding on all heirs, administrators, executors and assigns.
I am over the age of 18 and am legally competent to understand and agree to the contents of this document OR I am a parent or guardian and am legally competent to understand and agree to the contents of this document
I accept and agree to abide by and follow all the rules, policies, procedures and conditions of Impact Gymnastics. All policies are accessible on request by contacting us at hello@impactgymnastics.net T&Cs are also available on our website.
By signing below, I agree to the above.